WordPress is known for being scalable. Scalability in relationship to a website means the site can accommodate large amounts of traffic without loss of performance – provided that the site is well built on a good hosting environment with adequate resources.
Scalability is one of Wordpress’ key features. WordPress powers over a third of the internet from small blog sites to big business heavy trafficked sites like Sony Music, Time Magazine and the Microsoft News Center. The same cannot be said for Squarespace, Wix and other website builder platforms.
I use WordPress for all my client sites because it can grow with a small business. This was put to the test when a medical practice client was of the first that had COVID testing available in 2020. The website, which previously averaged 100’s of hits per day, began getting 1000’s per day for months, and WordPress did it’s job without hick-ups or needing any changes.
How would your website perform if it had large amounts of traffic over a long period of time?