Is your Website leaving $$$$ on the Table?
George had a great looking website. He had nice images with good headlines. But the only way to hire him was to click the contact page in the menu of his website. He needed a strong call to action to ask for the sale such as schedule now, buy now etc…
George’s business, like many small businesses, are leaving money on the table expecting people to hunt around their websites and to know what the next step to working with them is. After adding direct calls to action to George’s website his sales went up 20%.
70% of small businesses don’t feature any Call to Action on their home page. And most sites that I redesign come to me without any call to actions except the contact page in the main navigation.
Clear calls to action, typically in the first 3rd of the home page, are something I always put throughout my clients websites. Then viewers have no doubt what the next step is. Not having this is like having the checkout in the back of a brick and mortar store.