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Hi subscriber,

Have you heard it's great to blog but have just never been able to get started? OR have you tried but decided to stop blogging because you were not seeing direct results?

It is hard and time consuming to do a lot of blogging (or even write one blog post sometimes) - believe me, I know! But don't give up on it totally.

Blogging will do two things for your business -
  1. Increase your SEO (search engine optimization) because there will be fresh new content for the search engines to index and more/deeper content than the pages on your site.
  2. Give your business credibility - writing blog posts show your expertise and some of your personality.
GOAL - 3 Yearly Evergreen Blog Posts:
In fact you don't have to kill yourself and blog prolifically in order to see search engine optimization benefits. An SEO expert friend of mine (yes, you Scott N) says 3 good quality evergreen* blog posts per year about your business's core services/interests is great for SEO. *Evergreen content is content that is continually relevant and stays “fresh” for readers.

So how do you know if blogging is working anyway - in order to say it's not? Increased site traffic and people forwarding your post all around social media is a good start.....however if you are not a full time blogger, or have one on staff, with a social media marketing staff, you will most likely not achieve these indicators.

Credible Resource:
As a small business without a marketing agency running campaigns and tracking results, it's hard to know if any specific marketing effort is doing it's job. Marketing is cumulative and builds over time - as does SEO. Your blog posts position you as a credible resource. You may never know who saw what on your site that attributed to them calling you down the line.

If you are blogging regularly (even if not getting a ton of shares on Facebook) someone can find you more easily, when trying to remember your url or business name their friend mentioned in passing, because your blogging helped your SEO. Then those blog posts on your website, backing up what you know, solidifies them wanting to work with you.

As a small business you don't have to reach 1000s or even 100s of people to benefit from blogging. You just have to reach a targeted few who will want to hire you. And most of the time as a small business we are not reaching the unknown masses out on the web. We are converting viewers, who we are most likely connected to in some way, when they come to our websites.

So don't give up! Add 3 or so evergreen posts to your small business website yearly and you will be easier to find on the internet and those that find you will see how qualified you are and a little bit more about you. One blog post could be the difference in getting that one big client for the year.

If you'd like to read any past emails please visit the archive.
To your success,

~ Holly
Holly Neumann | 404-607-8229
Web Design for Healthy Living Businesses